
Welcome to my As Foundation Portfollio. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence for my Foundation portfollio

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Evalutation question 7

During research and planning, we made videos, to film a friend responding to your video and what they thought about it, also they answer set questions, this taught me how to use the interior web cams, and told me how to respond honestly from voice in reviewing someones product, i also learners all a lot about different camera shots from watching the dark knight and other films.

During my time, of making my product my skills have improved drastitcally,  i have increased my skills in using youtube, and learned how to upload videos and name  them, also how to use the tagging tool and adding captions. I had to use photo shop to create my logos and this in effect game me and insight to the tools used by professionals in order to make a product.

From this, i took into my own film, i learned about standard shooting,  also shooting in different lights, how to use mis en scene obviously, choosing a location was typical, i learned how pick models

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