
Welcome to my As Foundation Portfollio. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence for my Foundation portfollio

Monday 23 January 2012

Audience research

MY film will appeal to the audience to that of the Dark Knight and Oceans 11 mainly because my film is the a similar r genre. Oceans 11 appeals to a male audience due to its theme of crime and action based film, however due to the actors such as Brad Pitt and George Clooney, it appealed to female audiences due to the actors reputations. My film will appeal to middle/lower class of people due to its theme of crime and cunningness, my film will be semi action and will be mainly hand held, hopefully the appeal will be to the audience due to keeping similar shots and story line, and in case of the dark knight, a similar structure of an opening.

The dark knight however is not the kind of film i attempt. the opening however is what i want to achieve, the dark knight was considered film of the year and many of the actors in it received awards, the opening to that was a robbery but also built into the story, starting with a heist and revealing the story very early on.

I want the mis en scene in mine to be like the dark knights in the scene of identities hidden in opening scene, so our main characters identity will be kept. Also i will use a lot of similar sounds, to maintain the idea of normal life however our main character is different, much like the dark knight where the characters we follow are the only thing not in day to day life, i want my character or characters as i will use to in the opening to emulate the idea of a day time operation, that is crime there for similar sounds are required also very similarmis en scene and shot types.

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