
Welcome to my As Foundation Portfollio. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence for my Foundation portfollio

Tuesday 13 September 2011


The layout consist of 1 eye-catching image,  The size of the image is the first thing it takes up have the page also the colours, because the background is white the red sticks out on the image.  Also the colour of the word "contents " is red and bold,  The simplicity is what i like about it, its to the point and easy.

This one is very bold, The image of the band is very dark and Gothic, i like this because i like the feeling it creates, also the bold heading which is in white, stands out from the black background created by the band.

Also i like that the band are holding weapons it symbolises violence and re-inforces the gothic image

The close up for this magazine is very haunting, the man chosen for the photo is very scary and vacant looking, The black and red colours intermix creates a dark image.

The page of contents, in the magazine, is showing a skill, ,maybe that skateboarding is above the reader also the position of the clouds is round showing the curve of the earth, 

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