
Welcome to my As Foundation Portfollio. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence for my Foundation portfollio

Monday 20 February 2012

Progress update

4 Weeks on construction of out product, and in this time i must make a film and have done all my corrections to my blog, on the 5ht of march of my rough cuts and footage for a first draft. On the 19th of march it should be finished. past the 19th of march we shall be doing 7 questions. On the §16th of april full portfollio must be in

I must start filming as soon as possible, and keep to time with my schedule for shooting.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Recce of location

Recce of location

My first location i selected was the graveyard, i picked this as a startnig location as it gives an element of background story and begs the question, who’s ghravestopne is the actor looking at and why, and then why is he being chased, it is the mystery of the first scene to why the audience will want to watch on, because it is very speculative to what is happening and the questions they have asked themselves about it will be answerd. Also the graveyard is a fairly mysterious place in itself and will add to the mystery of my opening clip.

The graveyard is coverd in snow, which makes thechasing character appear more significant as he is in black. The running character will be smart casual to fit into the place he is visiting, he has a certain respect for where he is unlike the chaser.

I invlove the services of 2 estates in my clip, i wanted to make the chase realistic and through a real eastate, so that the everyday livings will shown in the chase, leaving an inferance to the audience that the chasing is a known occourance as no-one attempts to help or assist the runner. This will also leave the inferance that they are scared of the chaser. The estate in which im sing is right next to the graveyard, so i will not be moving very far, i will just be moving round the street, which will mean the snow will play its role there also.

I also have a burnside location, where the chase will extend to, its very jungle like and natural, which is realistic because the estate is built over the burn. The chase will extend to here where the character will get dirty, expecially the runner, this will leave the auidnce to believe that the runner is desperate and craving an eascape oppoutiry to which in my opening scene he doesnt recieve.

Monday 6 February 2012

Four Aces is a logo that i made, i took a picture of 4 aces and chose a font to download from dafont.com and then put them together on photoshop to make my logo.

I made these in photo shop with pictures, and took my last name and put a picture of a hat ironically, i used photo shop to add in text and images and used the font to match the grandness of the hat making the font and the hat compatible

Planning My Soundtrack

The idea behind my soundtrack was to create a sound that would fit on the screen visuals of a chase. I used garage band to experiment with different sounds.